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Letterbox Library is delighted to work in collaboration with individuals, charities and other organisations passionate about truly representative children’s literature. We know that it is only by working together that we will create a fully inclusive children's book world.

No Outsiders

The No Outsiders Project promotes an inclusive ethos to primary schools through a training and resources programme.


Set up in 2015 by Assistant Headteacher, Andrew Moffat, No Outsider’s mission is to: “Build confident educators, engage with parents and carers, empower children and develop community cohesion by providing the resources for schools and their communities.”


The No Outsiders Book Pack is our bestselling book pack for schools and we feel very honoured to be its sole supplier.


Teachers interested in buying the pack would generally have attended the related training and/or bought the accompanying resource 'No Outsiders: We Belong Here’* (Speechmark) which contains a full set of lesson plans.

No Outsiders Book Pack Image

Power of Reading

The Power of Reading is a professional development programme for teachers run by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE).


The programme aims to support primary schools to “evolve a high quality literacy curriculum which develops reading comprehension and writing composition, and fosters a whole school love of reading and writing.”


Excellent children’s literature forms the core of this programme. This includes the Power of Reading book packs which work across all of the year groups. Each pack contains 12 tried and tested high quality books, chosen and reviewed annually by experts at the CLPE. New titles information is passed on to us at Letterbox Library and we update the book packs accordingly. Teachers interested in buying these packs will have already joined as CLPE members, enabling them to access the teacher training and a database of teacher resources.

Power of Reading Book Pack Image

Reflecting Realities

The groundbreaking Reflecting Realities research by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) looks at ethnic representation in UK children’s literature. It is the first ongoing survey of its kind in the UK.


In its first year (2018), it found that, of the children's books published in 2017, only 4% included BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) characters and only 1% had a BAME protagonist.


And yet, 32.1% of pupils of compulsory school age in England identified as BAME (DfE, 2017).


You can see each of the annual Reflecting Realities reports on the CLPE website Letterbox Library is proud to be a member of the Reflecting Realities Steering Group.

Reflecting Realities Book Pack Image

Beyond the Secret Garden

Inspired by the excellent resource book, Beyond the Secret Garden,

co-authored by Darren Chetty and Karen Sands-O’Connor, this book pack offers a comprehensive exploration and contextual knowledge of how racially minoritised people have been represented in UK children’s literature.


This collection is designed to furnish educators with multiple opportunities to reflect with students on questions such as: 

  • who has been included in or excluded from the UK canon of ‘classic’ children’s literature?

  • which author voices are heard, suppressed- and which ones push through?

  • how does representation relate to ideas of genre? 

  • how does the industry intersect with issues of representation through, for e.g., book awards or World Book Day events?           

  • what is the status quo of children’s books and who are its disruptors?

Beyond the Secret Garden book pack image
Power of Reading
No Outsiders
Beyond the Secret Garden
Reflecting Realities


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679 High Road



E10 6RA



Children's Books Ltd T/A Letterbox Library, Reg 1754656, Registered in England and Wales  |  Registered Office: Unit 13 Mainyard Studios, 679 High Road, London E10 6RA

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